Held on May 28, 2020, Timmins Office, Board Room and via GoTo Meeting
Recorder: Maria Cook
Sue Perras, Chair, 5:00 p.m.
MOVED BY: Denis Clement
SECONDED BY: Drago Stefanic
THAT the agenda for this meeting be approved, as amended.
MOVED BY: Pat Britton
SECONDED BY: Kristin Murray
THAT the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit held April 30, 2020 be approved.
Dr. Lianne Catton, Medical Officer of Health, provided an update with regard to Porcupine Health Unit programs and services, including our ongoing extraordinary efforts with respect to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Re: Provincial Leadership in the Monitoring of Food Affordability and Food Insecurity
Re: Consultation for a new Ontario Poverty Reduction Strategy
Mickey Auger thanked Dr. Catton for providing an update with regard to COVID-19, and as well for keeping the Board informed via daily email updates.
Mickey Auger thanked Dr. Catton for providing an update, advising that the Public Health Modernization Consultation Response and Session has been postponed, due to COVID-19.
MOVED BY: Marc Dupuis
SECONDED BY: Kristin Murray
THAT the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the Health Unit Organizational Chart, as circulated, effective July 1, 2020.
MOVED BY: Pat Britton
SECONDED BY: Marc Ringuette
THAT the report of staff changes be received for information.
MOVED BY: Drago Stefanic
SECONDED BY: Pat Britton
THAT the report of revenues and expenditures for the Porcupine Health Unit for the 3 months ended March 31, 2020 be approved.
MOVED BY: Marc Dupuis
SECONDED BY: Kristin Murray
THAT the minutes of the Program Committee meeting held March 5, 2020 be received for information.
MOVED BY: Rock Whissell
SECONDED BY: Marc Ringuette
THAT the minutes of the Resource Committee meeting held March 5, 2020 be received for information.
MOVED BY: Drago Stefanic
SECONDED BY: Sebastien Lessard
THAT the next meeting of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit be held on June 25, 2020 at 3:00 pm and that this meeting adjourn.