Held on February 25, 2021, Timmins Office, Online via Microsoft Teams (MS Teams)
Attending by Invitation:
Sue Perras, Board of Health Chair, called the Board of Health meeting to order at 5:55 p.m.
2.1 Election of Chair
Dr. Catton opened the floor for nominations for the position of Chair of the Board of Health for the year 2021. John Curley nominated Sue Perras. The nomination was seconded by Rock Whissell. Sue Perras accepted the nomination.
Having no further nominations, the following motion was read.
MOVED BY: John Curley
SECONDED BY: Rock Whissell
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2021-02-01
Be it Resolved that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit appoints Sue Perras as the Board of Health Chair for the year 2021.
2.2 Election of Vice-Chair
Sue Perras opened the floor for nominations for the position of Vice-Chair of the Board of Health for the year 2021. Cleo Charlebois nominated Drago Stefanic. The nomination was seconded by John Curley. Drago Stefanic accepted the nomination.
Having no further nominations, the following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Cleo Charlebois
SECONDED BY: John Curley
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2021-02-02
Be it Resolved that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit appoints Drago Stefanic as the Board of Health Vice Chair for the year 2021.
The agenda for the February 25, 2021 Board of Health meeting was reviewed. The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: John Curley
SECONDED BY: Marc Ringuette
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2021-02-03
Be It Resolved that the Board of Health Agenda, dated February 25, 2021, be approve
There were no conflicts of interest declared.
5.1 2020 Audit Plan-Tracy Potvin
Tracy Potvin, CPA, CA, MNP, LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants provided a presentation of MNP’s plan for Audit of the Financial Statements for the Porcupine Health Unit for the year ending December 31st, 2020.
The purpose of the pre-audit update is to highlight and explain key issues with respect to audit risks, the nature, extent, and timing of MNP’s audit work, and the terms of MNP’s engagement including fees.
Sue Perras thanked Tracy Potvin for her presentation.
The minutes from the Board of Health meeting held on November 26, 2020 were reviewed and the following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Kristin Murray
SECONDED BY: Pat Britton
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2021-02-04
Be It Resolved, that the minutes from the Board of Health meeting held on November 26, 2020, be approved as presented.
There were no items under Business Arising.
The Report of the Medical Officer of Health dated February 25th, 2021 was presented to the Board of Health for information purposes. In addition, a brief verbal update from the Medical Officer of Health was provided, on the PHU COVID-19 response to date.
Sue Perras thanked Dr. Catton for an informative report to the Board of Health.
9.1 Restructure of Resource Committee
With updating the Board of Health Bylaws and Constitution last year, it is also time to update Board of Health committees. The first phase was the elimination of the Program Committee in the Fall of 2020 and the next step is to review and restructure the Resource Committee.
At this time, it was recommended to change the Resource Committee to the Finance Committee, with the following recommendations:
9.1 Restructure of Resource Committee
The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Cleo Charlebois
SECONDED BY: John Curley
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2021-02-05
Be It Resolved, that the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit approve the name change and proposed plans to restructure the Resource Committee.
The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Rock Whissell
SECONDED BY: Marc Ringuette
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2021-02-06
Whereas the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit appoint MNP, LLP the Auditors for the Board of Health for the year 2021.
Board of Health correspondence was provided to Board members for review.
Sue Perras brought forward for information, a letter from a local partner, related to a previous presentation and request. The Board of Health advised to reinforce former decision. Further discussion will take place at a future Finance Committee meeting.
No items to discuss.
The following motion was read:
MOVED BY: Kristin Murray
SECONDED BY: Denis Clement
Board of Health Resolution #BOH-2021-02-07
Whereas the next meeting of the Board of Health for the Porcupine Health Unit be held March 25, 2021 at a time to be determined by the Board of Health Chair and that this meeting adjourns.
Approved by: Board of Health, March 25, 2021
Original Signed by: Sue Perras, Chair, Board of Health