Over 120 staff work in Porcupine Health Unit offices across Northeastern Ontario.
In each of our communities, we work with a variety of health professionals and community members to improve the level of health. That way, everyone can live a longer and happier life. Good health is more than not being sick. Many of the programs you'll see is this section dig deeper into the things that make a community a healthy community.
Feedback from the public is the next valuable step in the process to help the new health unit shape their brand identity.
Past and current alerts and notices posted to our website. These include boil water advisories, food recalls, extreme weather alerts and other important information we think you should know.
See specific office hours and PHU services offered in your community.
Many businesses display the International Breastfeeding Friendly Place Logo to encourage your family to feel supported while nursing your baby, but also to demonstrate that you are welcome to breastfeed whenever and wherever.
There is a clear scientific consensus that the world's climate is changing, largely as a result of human activities, and that this will bring about changes in weather conditions and other natural systems.
Personal service settings, such as tattooing or piercing, can spread blood borne pathogens, while institutions such as daycares, long-term care facilities, and hospitals house large numbers of vulnerable people prone to illness. The Porcupine Health Unit is responsible for conducting surveillance in order to monitor and limit the spread of diseases in the community.
The Porcupine Health Unit works to protect your health and prevent illness. Environmental Health ensures owners and operators understand and comply with Ontario regulations. The public can visit our website at any time and view the most recent inspection reports for premises, including food premises, pools, hot tubs, personal service settings, licensed child care settings, children’s recreational camps, small drinking water systems and tanning facilities.
Emergencies can happen at any time and occur anywhere, sometimes without much warning. When an emergency happens, it can threaten the environment, property, the economy, critical infrastructure, as well as the health and safety of the public. An emergency can also affect a person's ability to access basic needs, such as food, shelter, and health care services.
Food safety is important in both the food service industry and at home. By taking the proper steps, we can ensure that the food we are preparing is safe.
There are many incidents that can have a negative effect a person's health such as radon and blue-green algae. The Porcupine Health Unit works with many community partners to prevent or reduce any negative effects to area residents.