Emergencies can happen at any time and occur anywhere, sometimes without much warning. When an emergency happens, it can threaten the environment, property, the economy, critical infrastructure, as well as the health and safety of the public. An emergency can also affect a person's ability to access basic needs, such as food, shelter, and health care services.
Being prepared for any emergency is something we can all do to lessen the effects should one occur. You can do this by making a plan, building a kit, and staying informed. Individuals and families should be prepared to take care of themselves for at least 72 hours in the event of an emergency.
For more information about emergency preparedness, please explore the resources in the Emergency Preparedness section of our website or contact a public health inspector at (705) 267–1181 or 1–800–461–1818.
In an emergency, it is important to have essential supplies ready. You should be prepared to be self-sufficient for up to 72 hours. Ensure that you include items specific to your needs, such as medication and emergency contact information.
If applicable, other items to consider are prescription medication, infant formula, equipment for people with disabilities and do not forget food, water, and medication for your pets or service animal. Personalize your emergency kit according to you and your family’s needs.
See Government of Ontario for more information.
For many, their pet is a member of the family and it is important to consider the needs of each pet should an emergency arise.
Heavy rainfall and snow melt can cause high risk of flooding in residences in low lying areas or near bodies of water.
A common after effect of emergencies, such as wildfires, flooding, blizzards, tornados, is power outages. A hazard that nearly everyone will experience in their lifetime, while typically minor, power outages can sometimes last for extended periods of time, affecting daily services, quality of life, and food safety.
What is the current wildfire-related air quality in Porcupine district and what should you do? This page is updated every Wednesday between June and October, or more frequently if the local air quality situation changes.