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Healthy Workplaces

The PHU (Porcupine Health Unit) Workplace Team is working on toolkits and initiatives to help support workplace health and well-being.  

If you have any ideas to help improve the wellness of your workplace, we would love to hear from you! Email the PHU Workplace Team at [email protected] to share your ideas or for more information.  

In the meantime, take advantage of the following links to many great external resources for workplace wellness! 

Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour, and Sleep 

  1. ParticipACTION - Learn more about the importance of physical activity in the workplace and get your organization moving through group activity challenges with the ParticipACTION App-Based Program - ParticipACTION+ - ParticipACTION  and Work - ParticipACTION 

  2. Canada’s 24-Hour Movement Guidelines - Understand how the balance between physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep help create a healthy 24 hrs 24-Hour Movement Guidelines – Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines (

  3. Sleep Foundation - Learn about the importance of sleep and its effect on job performance. Sleep & Job Performance: Can Sleep Deprivation Hurt Your Work? | Sleep Foundation  

Healthy Eating

  1. Ontario Dietitians in Public Health - Access a free toolkit for creating a supportive nutrition environment in your organization,

  2. Unlock - Get tips and recipes for healthy eating at work, Workplace Wellness - Unlock Food

  3. Canadian Cancer Society - Learn how to adapt a Healthy Eating policy in your organization and access toolkits, challenges, and other resources to encourage healthy eating at work. Healthy Eating at Work | Healthy Workplaces - Canadian Cancer Society

Smoke and Vape Free Workplaces

  1. - Find out where you can and cannot smoke or vape in Ontario under the smoke free Ontario Act- 2017- Where you can’t smoke or vape in Ontario | 
  2. Stop on the Net - Acquire free nicotine replacement therapy and online cessation resources for both cigarettes and e-cigarettes. (E-Squared) - Nicotine Dependence Clinic
  3. Smoke Free Curious - Access online resources to get smokers to think about and to try to quit smoking, including quit contests, quit coaches, and free nicotine replacement therapy. Smoke Free Curious

Mental Health

  1. Ottawa Public Health - Access whiteboard animation videos and facilitators guide on the 13 factors in the National Standard for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace to help get the conversation started in your workplace. For workplaces - Ottawa Public Health
  2. The Mental Health Coalition of Canada - Download guidelines, posters and additional information on The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and safety in the Workplace. Workplace Mental Health - Mental Health Commission of Canada
  3. Guarding Minds at Work- Access a complete resource tool for evaluating and attending to psychological health and safety in the workplace. Guarding Minds at Work

Sun Safety

  1. The David Cornfield Melanoma Fund - Access melanoma awareness video, “Dear 16-year-old me” to gain insight into this deadly disease and the importance of sun safety to help protect against it.  Dear 16 Year Old Me: Meghan - The David Cornfield Melanoma Fund (
  2. Canadian Cancer Society - Learn about sun safety at work and access resources for the Canadian Cancer Society’s Healthy Workplace Sun Safety Challenge. Healthy Workplaces - Canadian Cancer Society | Workplace Wellness
  3. Safety at Work - Learn how to develop a sun safety program in your workplace. Intended to be integrated into your current Occupational Health and Safety Program. Get tools and resources for monitoring sun safety of outdoor workers. Sun Safety Programs | Sun Safety at Work Canada